car driving on the roadcar driving on the road

Auto Loans

Looking for a new or used car loan, or want to refinance your existing loan for lower payments? UHCU auto loans have low rates and flexible repayment options.


RV at mountain lakeRV at mountain lake

Motorcycle, RV & Boat Loans

If you need a motorcycle loan, recreational vehicle (RV) loan or boat loan, a UHCU loan specialist can help you secure a great, low rate.

The loan process is fast and easy.

When you finance your vehicle with UHCU, you get the best of both worlds - low rates and exceptional service. 

Protect Your Investment

Get the Coverage You Need at a Low Cost

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Vehicle Service Contract

A Vehicle Service Contract (VSC) allows you to choose your coverage level, contract length and deductible for protection against many major mechanical breakdowns. Plans feature 24/7 roadside assistance, vehicle rental and trip interruption reimbursement.

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Guaranteed Asset Protection

UHCU offers affordable Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) for all auto loan types. GAP can cover the difference between the amount you owe on your loan and the insurance payout in the event that your car is totaled, lost or stolen. 

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Complete Vehicle Protection

Complete Vehicle Protection (CVP) provides greater coverage for your investment including tire, wheel and rim protection, paintless dent repair and windshield protection options.1

Investment Protection Options

Members have saved thousands electing additional coverage such as Complete Vehicle Protection (CVP), Vehicle Service Contract (VSC) and Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP)2 with United Heritage rather than with the dealership! These options are designed to help protect you against the burden of unexpected expenses including costly mechanical breakdown, road hazards, unplanned life events and more. Apply online today to get started or speak to a loan representative at 512.435.4444.

Membership/Regular Savings account required. Limited time offer. United Heritage policies, terms, conditions and restrictions apply. Offers not eligible on existing United Heritage loans. Rates and fees subject to change without notice. *APR applies to well-qualified borrowers. APR dependent on collateral, loan amount, credit and term selected.

1Tire, Wheel & Rim Protection does not cover the repair of cosmetic damage for tire, wheels, and/or rims. Additional exclusions may apply.
2Coverage only offered in conjunction with a new loan. Not all vehicles are eligible for coverage. Coverage exclusions may apply.